Smaranda Moldovan
Obiectele în culoare precum cele din seria R din perioada 2018-2020 ,ulei pe pânză, 150 x 80 cm, sunt expresia purității substanțelor, datorită nealterării lor cu alte elemente externe și lipsa aluziilor. Compoziția inițială, ca armătură se deschide, devine mai dinamică, apar tușe expresioniste, brutale, care mai apoi sunt estompate de straturile ulterioare, în diferite grade de transparență.Prin ele se evocă traseul obiectului de la începuturi din umbra platonică unde pictura este copia unei copii a realității, la umbra lui Sorensen, unde acesta devine culoare. Umbrele, penumbrele și anteumbrele sunt întotdeauna colorate datorită faptului lumină albă se descompune în cele trei culori primare lumină. În cazul luminii naturale umbra este albastră. Dacă folosim lumină colorată într-o încăpere umbra va avea culoarea luminii ambientului. Spațiul și umbra sunt în aceeași tentă de culoare, o izocromie.
I would like my paintings would lead to be seen as the idea of the process that is created by the interaction of ideas that lead to creation. Most of them are canvases that consist of fields of colour that have almost no structure or composition in order to get us back to the beginning of what we know like the elementary particles that we are made from. Colour is important to me and i have studied monochromes during the last 10 years and that is because i think colour by being a brain process, pure energy that moves through electromagnetic waves can lead the viewer to continue the canvas by having and experience of an immersion in the primary time and space without being disturbed by high amount of information that we have in our days and to remind him that we still have to put questions such as why? . It can be seen almost as a ground zero to develop new imagines and transform them through the mind. Some have interventions of strokes covered by layers and that is disobeying the rule of representing only the essential- as protest to how much we accumulate, but it is only to leave a print or a mark of what was that moment. It is more a memory print covered up by other layers and integrated in the whole field, just like objects that we have owned left a trace on us.